

1:2254 VAT Calc: Private person outside EU was detected with private person field in BT, and thus returning home rate for non-EU private persons - CZ tax rate: 21
New version
VM Mailing Manager

Virtuemart Mailing Manager

Applications for custom email templates for Virtuemart - including marketing tools and plug-ins.

Total without tax: 3 794 Kč
Tax amount: 797 Kč
Sales price: 4 591 Kč
 (199 EUR)

VMA Affiliate

Applications for Affiliate for Virtuemart.

Total without tax: 3 794 Kč
Tax amount: 797 Kč
Sales price: 4 591 Kč
 (199 EUR)

Gopay for Phoca Cart 3

The best Eastern European payment gateway Gopay for Phoca Cart. Price without instalation, setup and integration.

Total without tax: 1 252 Kč
Tax amount: 263 Kč
Sales price: 1 515 Kč
 (66 EUR)

Gopay for Phoca Cart 3 + integration

The best Eastern European payment gateway Gopay for Phoca Cart. Price with instalation, setup and integration.

Total without tax: 3 636 Kč
Tax amount: 764 Kč
Sales price: 4 400 Kč
 (191 EUR)
New version

Gopay for Phoca Cart 4

The best Eastern European payment gateway for Phoca Cart. 50+ payment method include Apple Pay and Google Pay. Without setup, installation and integration

Total without tax: 1 252 Kč
Tax amount: 263 Kč
Sales price: 1 515 Kč
 (66 EUR)
New version

Gopay for Phoca Cart 4 + Integration

The best Eastern European payment gateway for Phoca Cart. 50+ payment method include Apple Pay and Google Pay. With setup, installation and integration

Total without tax: 3 636 Kč
Tax amount: 764 Kč
Sales price: 4 400 Kč
 (191 EUR)
Gopay for RSForm! Pro

Gopay for RSForm

The best Eastern European payment gateway Gopay for RSForm Pro!. Inline version (REST API). Price without instalation and setup.

Total without tax: 1 694 Kč
Tax amount: 356 Kč
Sales price: 2 050 Kč
 (89 EUR)

Gopay for Virtuemart

The best East European payment gateway Gopay for popular e-commerce system Virtuemart. Inline version (REST API). Price without installation and setup.

Total without tax: 1 252 Kč
Tax amount: 263 Kč
Sales price: 1 515 Kč
 (66 EUR)

Gopay for VirtueMart 4 + Integration

The best Eastern European payment gateway for Phoca Cart. 50+ payment method include Apple Pay and Google Pay. With setup, installation and integration

Total without tax: 3 636 Kč
Tax amount: 764 Kč
Sales price: 4 400 Kč
 (191 EUR)

Gopay payments for RD e-Ticket

The best Eastern European payment gateway Gopay for RD e-Ticket. Inline version (REST API). Price without instalation and setup.

Total without tax: 1 694 Kč
Tax amount: 356 Kč
Sales price: 2 050 Kč
 (89 EUR)

Partner pay for RD e-Ticket

Partner payment for RD e-Ticket. Price without instalation and setup.

Sales price: zdarma
Modul Related Products Extended for Virtuemart

Related Products Extended for Virtuemart (+ slideshow)

Modul expands the standard modul virtuemart product with another new view. Modul show static products or slideshow.

Total without tax: 2 430 Kč
Tax amount: 510 Kč
Sales price: 2 940 Kč
 (127 EUR)
New version
Modul Related Products Extended for Virtuemart

Related Products Extended for Virtuemart (+ slideshow) J4

Modul expands the standard modul virtuemart product with another new view. Modul show static products or slideshow.

Total without tax: 2 430 Kč
Tax amount: 510 Kč
Sales price: 2 940 Kč
 (127 EUR)

Timeline for RD e-Ticket

Timeline modul for RD e-Ticket. Displays performances assigned to each month by date of performance.

Total without tax: 744 Kč
Tax amount: 156 Kč
Sales price: 900 Kč
 (39 EUR)
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